About: Pipsqueak Animation was commissioned to create a short film about Pamela Ronald, one of the 12 laureates of the 2012 Tech Awards and winner of the $75,000 Economic Development Award, in order to illustrate how her pioneering innovations are […]
Before After About: Produced for Invitrogen by Life Technologies, we replaced an older version of the machine and signage above (left) with a CG replica of the latest hardware (right). This was quite a challenge to motion track because of the […]
About: Pipsqueak Animation created a bunch of visual effects for the multiple award winning feature, The Playback Singer. Watch the clip above to hear how we did one of the larger effects shots and then head over to their website […]
Synopsis: Timmy, a young boy preparing for the big school dance, is forced to deal with his first pimple problem–and what a problem it is! Every attempt he makes to rid himself of the ever-growing dilemma only succeeds in making […]
About: The passionate tale of an olive oil and vinegar bottle whose lives intersect for one brief moment. It’s love at first sight, but can it last? Selected Press: “…this enchanting film’s beautiful animation can weave its spell…4 Stars!”: FilmThreat.com […]